Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional Intelligence

“The quality of your life is directly related to the quality of your emotions.”

– Sue Langley

Emotion effects every interaction we have. You and your team can be extremely talented technically, but without emotional intelligence the business is doomed to struggle. Learn how to develop emotional intelligence skills that is vital for professional success.

Expected Outcomes

  • Improve personal performance – Learn how to deal effectively with emotions to enhance decisions, behaviour and performance.
  • Boost job satisfaction, cope better with demand www.leadingbusinessmatting workloads, enhance productivity and performance.
  • Enhance decision-making and increase buy-in to the decisions you make.
  • Help colleagues to understand you, and build trust among staff.
  • Improve motivation and morale – See how your moods, feelings, and emotions influence work and impact on your job satisfaction.
  • Develop leadership – Improve management effectiveness, employee engagement and organisational culture.
  • Improve team dynamics – Look at the behavioural style of a team as a whole. Identify gaps and strengths. Reduce conflict, inspire productivity and performance and create a positive work environment.

Topics Covered

  • Learn how you effectively understand, reason with and manage your own and others’ feelings.
  • Learn the Seven Skills of Emotional Intelligence.
  • Emotional Self-Awareness – Perceive and understand your own emotions.
  • Emotional
  • Expression – Effectively express your own emotions.
  • Emotional Awareness of Others – Perceive and understand others’ emotions.
  • Emotional Reasoning – Use emotional information in reasoning and decision making.
  • Emotional Self-Management – Effectively manage your own emotions.
  • Emotional Management of Others – Influence others moods and emotions.
  • Emotional Self-Control – Effectively controlling your strong emotions.

Emotional Intelligence Assessment and Report

Receive a comprehensive report containing more than 16 pages of analysis, interpretation specifically about YOU and practical suggestions to enable you to reflect and take action. This report provides invaluable insight into your emotional intelligence and identifies your strengths and development areas to allow for leadership development and true performance improvement.

  • Participants of this Program complete an Emotional Intelligence Assessment. The E.I. Assessment measures how often you demonstrate emotionally intelligent workplace behaviours aligned to the Seven Skills of Emotional Intelligence.
  • The Report lists your strengths and opportunities for development in Emotional Intelligence.
  • It also provides you with development activities to consider, and guides to implement an action plan to enhance your Emotional Intelligence.
  • Each workshop participant will review their personal Report during this Program.

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