Emotional Intelligence Assessment & Report

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Emotional Intelligence Assessment & Report

Emotional intelligence effects every interaction we have with colleagues, suppliers and customers. You can have an extremely talented team technically, but without emotional intelligence the business is doomed to struggle.

Learn how to deal effectively with emotions to enhance decisions, behaviour and performance at work by measuring seven key skills:

  • Emotional self-awareness
  • Emotional expression
  • Emotional awareness of others
  • Emotional reasoning
  • Emotional self-management
  • Emotional management of others
  • Emotional self-control.

The emotional intelligence assessment and report assesses emotionally intelligent workplace behaviours and highlights links to professional success. Learn how moods, feelings and emotions influences us at work to transform performance.

  • Improve motivation and morale – See how your moods, feelings, and emotions influence work and impact on your job satisfaction
  • Develop leadership – Improve management effectiveness, employee engagement and organisational culture
  • Improve team dynamics – Look at the behavioural style of a team as a whole. Identify gaps and strengths.

You will also receive a one-on-one consultation to ensure that you and your business are able to identify and act on the opportunities highlighted in your comprehensive report.

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